Swedish security company, Securitas said earlier this month it acquired and consolidated two South African security solutions providers, Rentsec and Vamsa, for a total enterprise value of an approximately $9.2 million (R90 million).
The deal will help to strengthen Securitas business footprint in South Africa as an integrated security solutions provider.
Securitas, which currently operates a specialized guarding, mobile, alarm monitoring, technology, forensics and risk management services in South Africa, plans to integrate Rentsec and Vamsa’s operations in Johannesburg and Cape Town as well as their national and regional services and employees into its business in the region.
Rentsec and Vamsa, owned by the same owner, work closely together focusing on remote video surveillance as well as a range of advanced security technology applications specifically suited for the South African and the regional market.
The prolific attacks across Africa in recent years are creating a unique business opportunity for international security companies and security consultants as government and companies leaders, who have become increasingly concerned with the spread of Islamic terrorist across the continent, looks for ways to protect both their human capital and building facilities from unforeseen attacks or kidnappings.
Experts said there has been a recent increase in companies’ hiring of security companies and consultants across the continent as security becomes a top priority of many businesses, including domestic and international companies that are operating on the continent in the wake of terrorist attacks.
Last month, the whole world watched in horror as terrorists stormed Kenya’s Westgate mall, killing several people and injuring hundreds.
Experts said they expect to see more increase in demands for security consultants and companies as international corporations look expand their business footprint to Africa.